The Marche Niger in downtown Conakry
The staple food in Guinea...rice
The Peace Corps volunteer house in Conakry
The view from the PCV house
My training group
My homestay area of K5 - this mt looms over the town
One of 3 host mothers - my host father is a polygamist
Learning to eat with our hands - never with the left!
Village kids bathing
Yes, that wet spot is his
Kola nuts
digital photo of a photo of Kamsar
A rooster, duck and ducklings and a cat...all peacefully living together
A typical hut
SED ladies
chicken in a tree
dried fish in Boffa
peanut butter for sale
local dish: mango delight
gelati in Conakry
leaves used in sauces
fresh meat from a taxi's trunk
giant praying mantise
giant bamboo in Kindia
SED PCVs at swearing-in
Pool party at some Lebanese guys' house
BEFORE: my bedroom
AFTER: my bedroom