I am an avid world traveler and would like to share my current and past adventures with all my friends and family ... and maybe inspire others to get out and wander a bit too.
This site has seen me through the past 8 years of adventures and wanderings. I spent 4 years wandering around Africa as a Peace Corps Volunteer.
From October 2001 to December 2003 I was in Nunguni, Kenya serving as a Small Enterprise Development and Information Technology Volunteer. From January of 2004 until May of 2005 I extended my service as a Peace Corps Volunteer to the West African country of Guinea where I again served as a Small Enterprise Development Volunteer.
From October 2005 to March 2006 I was living in Geneva, Switzerland trying to get my dream job within the UN. I left in March 2006 as I learned my sister Roxane was diagnosed with cancer.
From November 2008 to January 2009, I was caring for Roxane at her home in Port Orchard until she passed away January 24, 2009. Those journal entries can be found at Caring Bridge. I'll keep up postings on this site
so everyone interested can follow along on my new adventure as guardian of my 12-year old nephew Drew!
I've kept this journal from August of 2001 and made updates almost monthly up until January 2006, so once I retrieve all my lost postings (Yikes), you can go to the What's New page and read all about my past, and ongoing, adventures.
The following quote has been on this home page since the beginning, but I feel it's still very appropriate and heck, I love it, so it stays:
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon
Latest Update
April 25, 2009
Hi everyone. Look at me, 2 updates in one month...woohoo. Can't believe I used to update daily on Roxane's CaringBridge site. How'd I have the time?
Check out the What's New page to get the full update.